Full Company - Now Let The Loyal Lieges Gather Round

Now Let The Loyal Lieges Gather Round

The Second Act Finale opens with Don Alhambra summoning the whole company to the stage. Inez reveals the king of Barataria! Don Alhambra: Now let the ...

Motioncapture for King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame

Buy the King Arthur Collection here: http://www.paradoxplaza.com/games/king-arthur-collection Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KingArthurGame Twitter: ...

Now, Marco Dear, My Wishes Hear

Tessa and Gianetta enjoin their husbands with some strict terms before they depart Gianetta: Now, Marco dear, my wishes hear: while you're away It's ...

Dance A Cachucha

A banquet and a dance? It's too much happiness! All: Dance a cachucha, fandango, bolero; Xeres we'll drink, Manzanilla, Montero Wine, when it runs in ...

But, Bless My Heart!

A recitative preceding the first act quintet Casilda: But, bless my heart! Consider my position! I am the wife of one; that's very clear...but who can tell, except my ...

Full Company