Eric Burdon, The Animals - San Franciscan Nights (Album Ver.)

San Franciscan Nights - The Substitutes

This song was written and recorded Eric Burdon & the (new) Animals in 1967. It's a paean to the blossoming of hippie-dom in San Francisco and was the new ...

"San Franciscan Nights" Eric Burdon

From the Album "The Animals Greatest Hits"

San Franciscan Nights Eric Burdon/Animals cover

This song is in memory of a friend, Mike Flynn, a great guitar player who is no longer with us. We played this together many years ago.

"San Franciscan Nights" (Lyrics) ❤ ERIC BURDON ❤ The Animals

Eric Burdon & The Animals Were All Over The Radio "BackintheDay" With My Special Favorite ~ "San Franciscan Nights". So Many Great Hits By Eric & Both ...

san franciscan nights eric burdon & the animals

pictures from san francisco with the music of eric burdon and the animals "I wasn't born there perhaps I'll die there there's no place left to go, San Franciscan".

Eric Burdon, The Animals