Ry Cooder - Always Lift Him Up/Kanaka Wai Wai

Always Lift Him Up / Kanaka Wai Wai by Ry Cooder

When a fellow has the blues and feels discouraged And there's nothing else but trouble all his life When he's always grumbled at and never happy Living with a ...

Island of the olive-Shodoshima ♪ Always Lift Him Up Kanaka Wai Wai / Ry Cooder

ライ・クーダー 香川県 小豆島 エンジェルロード オリーブ園 寒霞渓 Island of the olive Shodoshima is literally translated as, 'small bean island...

Always Lift Him Up-Kanaka Wai Wai-Ry Cooder

Always Lift Him Up-Kanaka Wai Wai-Ry Cooder.

Ry Cooder