Billy Joe Royal - Cherry Hill Park

Cherry Hill Park by Billy Joe Royal lyrics

Album: Cherry Hill Park Year: 1969 8/16/10 - 1318.

Billy Joe Royal - Cherry Hill Park - [STEREO]

Suggestive Lyrics Kept This Fantastic Tune Off Many Radio Stations In 1969. Even With All The Controversy, "Cherry Hill Park" Made It To #15 On The Billboard ...

Billy Joe Royal - Cherry Hill Park

Best known for his country-flavored rock hit "Down in the Boondocks," Billy Joe Royal had a long career that saw him become one of the first pop performers to ...

Billy Joe Royal - Cherry Hill Park - 45 RPM - ORIGINAL MONO MIX

Original Columbia Records #44902 45 RPM Vinyl Debut 10/4/69 Peaked at #15 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart Written by Robert Nix & Billy Gilmore Produced ...

BILLY JOE ROYAL "Cherry Hill Park"

Johnetta's Pub 03-13-2015 Bowling Green, Kentucky In Memory of Jeremy Pryor Billy Joe Royal website

Billy Joe Royal