David Byrne - Eggs In A Briar Patch

Lord, I been such a bad boy
I been disobedient
I made mistakes
I made blunders

That's true of thousands and thousands of people
Little children don't mean anything!
It's dope; and liquor
I tell ya... unsaved people don't have any means of deliverance
Lord, I been such a bad boy
I been disobedient
I made mistakes
I made blunders

That's true of thousands and thousands of people
Little children don't mean anything!
It's dope; and liquor
I tell ya... unsaved people don't have any means of deliverance
David Byrne: Eggs In A Briar Patch

Rare Chill by the leader of the Talking Heads. We don't own any Copyright to this song. We simply help the artist to get this brilliart music discovered. Even on ...

David Byrne - Eggs In A Briar Patch

Dance project by Twyla Tharp and David Byrne. The Catherine Wheel: https://youtu.be/5L83KTSOFNM.

David Byrne - Big Business.wmv

from the catherine wheel soundtrack (I do not own this material and will remove upon request from owner)

David Byrne