Steel Pulse - Prediction

Prediction prediction foretold
Prediction yeh from the days of old
Prediction yeh from way back when
The years Jah send years Jah send
Prediction a long long time ago
Selassie was neglected tell me when
Like the tales of the Messiah yah
All over again
Garvey was rejected tell me when
Unlike the Baptist he has kept his head
I said vank
William Gordon and Paul Bogle led
A rebellion cause they used their heads
But had their necks in a noose
Martyrs of freedom freedom condemned
But Jah Jah cut them loose Hen heh
Prophesised that we would suffer by
Those who think themselves superior to
Our colour yes sah
Descendants of Naiman the Leper
Ask Elisha
Offsprings of Naiman the Leper
Ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
Tomorrow's what we're on about
Tomorrow's what we're on about
Not yesterday
It's up to man to understand
To have success upon this land
He better have some faith
Have some have some faith
Have some have some faith
The impossible have a habit of happening
If you think a lie I atell ask Elisha
Ask Elisha ask Ellsha
Prediction prediction foretold
Prediction yeh from the days of old
Prediction yeh from way back when
The years Jah send years Jah send
Prediction a long long time ago
Selassie was neglected tell me when
Like the tales of the Messiah yah
All over again
Garvey was rejected tell me when
Unlike the Baptist he has kept his head
I said vank
William Gordon and Paul Bogle led
A rebellion cause they used their heads
But had their necks in a noose
Martyrs of freedom freedom condemned
But Jah Jah cut them loose Hen heh
Prophesised that we would suffer by
Those who think themselves superior to
Our colour yes sah
Descendants of Naiman the Leper
Ask Elisha
Offsprings of Naiman the Leper
Ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
If a lie ask Elisha ask Elisha
Tomorrow's what we're on about
Tomorrow's what we're on about
Not yesterday
It's up to man to understand
To have success upon this land
He better have some faith
Have some have some faith
Have some have some faith
The impossible have a habit of happening
If you think a lie I atell ask Elisha
Ask Elisha ask Ellsha
Steel Pulse - Prediction

Steel Pulse's debut album set the band decisively apart from its British colleagues. This was not, by any stretch of the imagination, either pop-reggae or lovers ...

Steel Pulse - Prediction

Vinyl rip of Steel Pulse - Predictions of the legendary record 'Handsworth Revolution'. Big Up all of 0121 fuck a postcode and enjoy the frequencies :)

Steel Pulse - Prediction (Peel Session)

Prediction by Steel Pulse, taken from the Peel Session recorded on 31 August 1977.

Steel Pulse - Prediction.

Steel Pulse - Prediction.

Steel Pulse