Jeanette Alexander - Upon Your Return

Багрец и золото Елагина острова (2016)

Багряные и золотые краски осенней поры на Елагином острове. ЦПКиО им. С.М. Кирова (г. Cанкт-Петербург). В фильм...

96 Yr Old Couple Die In Bed While Holding Hands - Jeanette and Alexander Toczko

96 year old couple married for 75 years dies while holding hands in bed, 1 day apart. ----------------------------------------------- FULL STORY: ...

Couple married 75 years dies in each other's arms

It was a wish fulfilled for Jeanette and Alexander Toczo, who wanted to die in each other's arms. ◂ San Diego's News Source - 10News, KGTV, delivers the latest ...

San Diego Couple Dies Within 24 Hours Of Each Other - Newsy

Jeanette and Alexander Toczko were together almost 75 years before they passed away within 24 hours of each other in June. See more at ...

Jeanette Alexander