Judy Garland - Take My Hand, Paree `Gay Purr-ee`

Gay Purr-ee - Take My Hand, Paree

All rights reserved: Warner Bros Entertainment, Inc. If you all really love the album, you ought on buying this album. This is a classic in animation Films, and all ...

Gay Purr-ee - Trailer #1

Magnificent. That's the voice of Judy Garland. Magnifique. That's Gay Purr-ee, a charming animated musical featuring the great Garland in one of her final roles.

Gay Purr-ee - Overture

All rights reserved: Warner Bros Entertainment, Inc. If you all really love the album, you ought on buying this album. This is a classic in animation Films, and all ...

Gay Purr-ree - "Take My Hand Paree"

Gay Purr-ree - "Take My Hand Paree"

Judy Garland