Gerling - Fight Revolution Team

Meet you in the evening, fight revolution team
I remember it from last year, near the computerised sea
You were like that librarian that never learned to read
Felt like riding an orchestra on angles and degrees

Why did you stay? Against whose will?
The sadness things are never drilled
Are you coming down and can I stay?
You know we've been going since yesterday
Later on, when you can stand
You stagger away like a rusted can
Into the night, into the rain
I see that formula again

Did you ever feel it, yeah the feelings that are old
Of unknown amusement, yeah that's when all the troubles go
Yeah I remember the calling when it started to leave
When you add all the grey dots, it's never truancy

Why did you stay? Against whose will?
The sadness things are never drilled
Are you coming down and can I stay?
You know we've been going since yesterday
Later on, when you can stand
You stagger away like a rusted can
Into the night, into the rain
I see that formula again

Meet you in the evening, fight revolution team
I remember it from last year, near the computerised sea
You were like that librarian that never learned to read
Felt like riding an orchestra on angles and degrees

Why did you stay? Against whose will?
The sadness things are never drilled
Are you coming down and can I stay?
You know we've been going since yesterday
Later on, when you can stand
You stagger away like a rusted can
Into the night, into the rain
I see that formula again
Meet you in the evening, fight revolution team
I remember it from last year, near the computerised sea
You were like that librarian that never learned to read
Felt like riding an orchestra on angles and degrees

Why did you stay? Against whose will?
The sadness things are never drilled
Are you coming down and can I stay?
You know we've been going since yesterday
Later on, when you can stand
You stagger away like a rusted can
Into the night, into the rain
I see that formula again

Did you ever feel it, yeah the feelings that are old
Of unknown amusement, yeah that's when all the troubles go
Yeah I remember the calling when it started to leave
When you add all the grey dots, it's never truancy

Why did you stay? Against whose will?
The sadness things are never drilled
Are you coming down and can I stay?
You know we've been going since yesterday
Later on, when you can stand
You stagger away like a rusted can
Into the night, into the rain
I see that formula again

Meet you in the evening, fight revolution team
I remember it from last year, near the computerised sea
You were like that librarian that never learned to read
Felt like riding an orchestra on angles and degrees

Why did you stay? Against whose will?
The sadness things are never drilled
Are you coming down and can I stay?
You know we've been going since yesterday
Later on, when you can stand
You stagger away like a rusted can
Into the night, into the rain
I see that formula again
Gerling Figth revolution team

Grandissimi e varissimi un gruppo che arriva lentamente. Bisogna capirlo ed ascoltarlo con attenzione. Sembrano superficiali ma è lì che t'ingannano.

Gerling - Hot Computer (Summa Laptop Remix)

One of my favourite bands and music videos. Simplistic and fun, here's Gerling's own remix of hot computer from the album When Young Terrorists Chase The ...

Gerling - Get Activated

Film clip for 'Get Activated' from Gerling's 2003 album 'Bad Blood!!!' This clip was recorded in Brisbane, Australia. Participants were invited through the bands ...

Gerling - Blood On The Microphone

Gerling's Blood On The Microphone video clip. This is a 2003 track from an Australian band, from the album 'Bad Blood!!!'.
