Craig Taubman - Al Hanisim

Al Hanissim


Safam - Al Hanissim - Jewish Arts Festival - Feb 23, 1991

Jewish American Rock Band "Safam" ( performing their song "Al Hanissim" at the Jewish Arts Festival at Rutgers University on February 23, ...

Pharaoh's Daughter Doing Hanukkah Song "Al Ha Nisim"

Great new version of a Hanukkah classic, presented by Pharoah's Daughter in a concert at the Second Conference on Judaism and Human Rights organized by ...

Mi Yimalel

Shekhina's dance version of a traditional Chanukah song by Craig Taubman.

Melissa, Lindsay, and the Wizards of Ashkenaz: Al Hanisim and Maoz Tzur

Al Hanissim - arranged by (?) accompanist: the lovely and talented Devra Seidel Maoz Tzur - arranged by Jon Schulz The Wizards of Ashkenaz are:

Craig Taubman