Mills Brothers - Some Of These Days

The Mills Brothers: Some Of These Days

No musical instruments or mechanical devices were used in this recording other than one guitar. All other instrumental sounds are vocalisations by the quartet.

The Mills Brothers - Some of these days (1934)

The Mills Brothers - Some of These Days (1934) September 14, 1934 "No musical intruments or mechanical devices used on this recording other than one guitar ...

The Mills Brothers - Some Of These Days (1934)

The Mills Brothers were an American jazz and pop vocal quartet of the 20th century who made more than 2000 recordings that combined sold more than 50 ...

Mills Brothers - Some of these days

Some of these Days, The Mills Brothers Brunswick A- 82028 - A.

The Mills Brothers - Some of these days (1934)

The Mills Brothers - Some of these days (1934)

Mills Brothers