Earth Essence - Prayer

Lady Master Venus Perfumes the Earth with Her Essence Ascended Lady Master Venus' essence of love to the Earth was delivered through David Christopher Lewis, spiritual teacher and ...

Ever Essence - a prayer & poem

a prayer/song/poem I wrote to the creator/s of the universe for meditation. I hope you enjoy... Deities of creation, please help me feel connection To all aspects of ...

Moola Mantra

The Moola Mantra Om Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahma Purushothama Paramatma Sri Bhagavathi Sametha Sri Bhagavathe Namaha Whenever you chant this ...

"The Chakras: The Seven Gates to Freedom"- The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita with Swami Kriyananda

Part 9 - Chapter 1, Stanza 3. The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita Explained by Paramhansa Yogananda ...

Tamil Christian Message - ஜெபநேரம் - Essence of Prayer time - Dr. Pushparaj - Full Sermon

Tamil Christian Message - ஜெபநேரம் - Essence of Prayer time - Dr. Pushparaj - Full Sermon FASTING: Tamil Christian Message - Essence of Prayer time ...

Earth Essence