Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley - Jones : The Second Booke Of Songes (1601) - Now What Is Love

Robert Jones, Now what is Love 1601

Two verses from this song from the The Second Booke of Songs and Ayres by Robert Jones. Sung by myself but with my voice digitally raised. (I think this must ...

Farewell deare love - Anonymous keyboard piece from an English manuscript

The song itself is from Robert Jones, the first Booke of Songes and Ayres of four parts with Tablature for the Lute (1600) edition: A-R Editions, INC Madison ...

Robert Jones - "Now What is Love" sung by Susan Welland. Eunice on the Spinet

Robert Jones's "Now What is Love" sung by Susan Welland, accompanied on theSpinet by Eunice Pike at a concert at St Mary's Church, Eling, Southampton, on ...

The Sea Hath Many Thousand Sands - by Robert Jones, 1610.

This is the 400 year anniversary of Robert Jones's 5th (& last) booke ["The muses gardin for delights or fifth booke of ayers, 1610], and this is 1 of the 21 songs of ...

Emma Kirkby, Anthony Rooley