Renee Fleming, Jean-Yves Thibaudet - Debussy : Beau Soir

Renee Fleming & Jean-Yves Thibaudet - Apparition (Debussy)

Apparition by Debussy. Renee Fleming (Soprano) Jean-Yves Thibaudet (Piano)

Claude Debussy - Beau Soir (GSARCI VIDEO VERSION)

"Beau Soir" (French for "Beautiful Evening") is a French art song written by Claude Debussy. It is a setting of a poem by Paul Bourget. Debussy was 15 or 16 ...

Beau Soir

Hi! This is my second lotr video and it is about the great love from the movie (the one between Aragorn and Arwen, of course). The music I used is named "Beau ...

Renée Fleming-Après un reve-Faurè

Renée Fleming interpreta Après un reve de Gabriel Faurè acompanhada do grande Jean-Yves Thibaudet ao piano.. Apreciem!

Renee Fleming, Jean-Yves Thibaudet