Eartha Kitt - Hesitating Blues

Hello Central, what's the matter with this line
I wanna talk to that sweet man of mine
Tell me how long will I have to wait
Please give me two nine eight, why do you hesitate

What do you say, can't talk to my man
A storm last night blowed the wire all down
Tell me how long will I have to wait
Will he come back now or will he hesitate

Procrastination is the thief of time
So all the wise owls say
One stitch in time may save nine
Tomorrow's not today
And if you put off, someone's bound to

Sunday night, my beau proposed to me
Said he'd be happy if his wife I'd be
Oh, how long will I have to wait
Come be my wife, my Kate, why do you hesitate

Well I declined him, just for a stall
He left that night on the Cannonball
Oh, how long will I have to wait
Will he come back now or will he hesitate

I'd be his, he'd be mine and I'd be feelin' gay
Left alone, grieve and pine, my best friend's gone away
He's gone and left me the hesitating blues
The hesitating blues, those hesitating blues
Hello Central, what's the matter with this line
I wanna talk to that sweet man of mine
Tell me how long will I have to wait
Please give me two nine eight, why do you hesitate

What do you say, can't talk to my man
A storm last night blowed the wire all down
Tell me how long will I have to wait
Will he come back now or will he hesitate

Procrastination is the thief of time
So all the wise owls say
One stitch in time may save nine
Tomorrow's not today
And if you put off, someone's bound to

Sunday night, my beau proposed to me
Said he'd be happy if his wife I'd be
Oh, how long will I have to wait
Come be my wife, my Kate, why do you hesitate

Well I declined him, just for a stall
He left that night on the Cannonball
Oh, how long will I have to wait
Will he come back now or will he hesitate

I'd be his, he'd be mine and I'd be feelin' gay
Left alone, grieve and pine, my best friend's gone away
He's gone and left me the hesitating blues
The hesitating blues, those hesitating blues
Eartha Kitt - Hesitating Blues

Hesitating Blues by Eartha Kitt from the album The RCA Recordings 1953-1958 Released 2014-04-25 on Not Now Music Download on iTunes: ...

Eartha Kitt, Shorty Rogers and His Orchestra - Hesitating Blues

Download: Abonnez-vous ici pour découvrir les nouvelles vidéos de la collection et retrouvez tous les titres de la ...

Eartha Kitt - Hesitating Blues

Eartha Kitt - Hesitating Blues Eartha Mae Kitt (January 17, 1927 -- December 25, 2008) was an American singer, actress, and cabaret star. She was perhaps ...

Eartha Kitt - Hesitating Blues

Hesitating Blues by Eartha Kitt from the album The RCA Recordings 1953-1958 Released 2014-04-25 on Not Now Music Eartha Kitt died on Christmas Day ...

Eartha Kitt - The RCA Recordings 1953-1958 (Not Now Music) [Full Album]

Eartha Kitt - The RCA Recordings 1953-1958 Released 2014-04-25 on Not Now Music 1. 00:00:00 Eartha Kitt C'est si bon 2. 00:03:01 Eartha Kitt Let's Do It 3.

Eartha Kitt