Lambert - Everyday (Feat. Hendricks , Ross)

Live: Joe Williams with Lambert, Hendricks and Ross - Every Day I Have the Blues

Every Day I Have the Blues written by Aaron Sparks and Milton or Marion Sparks performed by Joe Williams, Dave Lambert, Jon Hendricks, and Annie Ross with ...

« Every day I have the blues » par le Trio Lambert-Hendricks-Ross et Ozzie Smith (1961)

Sur la scène du festival d'Antibes Juan-les-Pins 1961, le trio Dave LAMBERT, Jon HENDRICKS, Annie ROSS rejoint par Ossie SMITH et accompagné de Count ...

ANNIE ROSS sings Twisted and Everyday I Have The Blues 1959

Accompanied by the Count Basie Septet, Annie Ross sings Twisted, which features her lyrics set to a Wardell Gray tune. Ross is then joined by Dave Lambert, ...

Lambert Hendricks and Ross airegin

A good scatting moment with lambert Hendricks and Ross here on Sonny Rollins Airegin ( Nigeria ) Hope you enjoy it .

Lambert Hendricks and Ross Doodling Song

From 1960 Horace Silvers Doodling song There is more to come Vote and comments Have fun !
