Yo-Yo Ma, The Silk Road Ensemble - Wedding (Feat. Dima Orsho)

Kinan Azmeh's "Wedding" | Tanglewood 2016

On August 7, 2016, the Silk Road Ensemble with Yo-Yo Ma was joined in concert by participants in Silkroad's Global Musician Workshop at Tanglewood Music ...

Kinan Azmeh and Yo-Yo Ma: Art in a Time of Crisis

Kinan Azmeh is a clarinetist and composer, and member of the Silk Road Ensemble. Born in Damascus, Kinan has lived in New York City since 2001. Here, he ...

Berlinale Special Gala 2016 - Performance - The Silk Road Ensemble

Performance after the screening by part of The Silk Road Ensemble Kinan Azmeh, Kayhan Kalhor, Cristina Pato.

intuitive Klangzeit - music improvisation Kinan Azmeh & Mitsch Kohn - gotischer Saal Berlin

eine intuitive Klangzeit entsteht im Jetzt aus dem Moment heraus und entfaltet sich als Klangreise durch die Gefühlswelten, und als Reise zu sich selbst für ...

Yo-Yo Ma, The Silk Road Ensemble