Thin Lips - Chosen Family

Thin Lips - Gaslight Anthem (The Song Not The Band)

"Gaslight Anthem (The Song Not The Band)" from Thin Lips upcoming LP 'Chosen Family' is out on Lame-O Records 7/27.

Thin Lips - A Song For Those Who Miss You All The Time

"A Song For Those Who Miss You All The Time" from Thin Lips upcoming LP 'Chosen Family' is out on Lame-O Records 7/27.

Thin Lips - Chosen Famiy

"Chosen Family" from Thin Lips upcoming LP 'Chosen Family' is out on Lame-O Records 7/27.

Thin Lips - Chosen Family Out 7/27

The new album from Thin Lips 'Chosen Family' is out 7/27 on Lame-O Records. Video made by Augusta Koch.

Thin Lips - Smoking is for Quitters

"Smoking is for Quitters" from Thin Lips upcoming LP 'Chosen Family' is out on Lame-O Records 7/27.

Thin Lips