Charlie Haden, Carla Bley - Els Segadors

Charlie Haden / Els Segadors (The Reapers)

Though the original song dates in the oral tradition to 1640, its modern lyrics were written by Emili Guanyavents, who won a controversial competition in 1899.

Charlie Haden - Silence

ECM Records The Ballad of the Fallen (1983) Charlie Haden Charlie Haden - bass Carla Bley - piano, glockenspiel, arrangements Don Cherry - pocket trumpet ...

Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra La Pasionaria 1983

Charlie Haden's Ballad of the Fallen LP was the Downbeat Critics' Poll Album of the Year in 1984, and earned Carla Bley the DB Composer of the Year award ...

Charlie Haden & Liberation Music Orchestra, "Song for Che", 1969

Charlie Haden & Liberation Music Orchestra , "Song for Ché", 1969 Liberation Music Orchestra è un album jazz di Charlie Haden, dai forti connotati politici, ...

Charlie Haden & Liberation Music Orchestra, "The introduction /song of the united front", 1969

Charlie Haden, & Liberation Music Orchestra, "The introduction/Song of the united front", 1969 Liberation Music Orchestra è un album jazz di Charlie Haden, dai ...

Charlie Haden, Carla Bley