Nuclear Forehead - Too Bad (Bitter Return)

The Second Presidential Debate: Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (Full Debate) | NBC News

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump square off on Oct. 9, Sunday, 9 p.m. EST at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri in the second presidential debate of the ...

The 700 Club - March 10, 2017

A crackdown on pro-lifers in France where speaking the truth could land you in jail. Plus, an accident at 70mph. One biker clings to life while his friends cling to a ...

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours - Hour 12 - Small Groups

Join us with Session 12 of our updated and fully remastered version of 'Learn the Bible in 24 Hours' with Dr Chuck Missler - SUBSCRIBE to our channel.


Looked at over time, we're gradually picking up slightly better manners – but what are we doing now that might, in future eras, be considered bad manners?

Pastor Steven Anderson "The Book of Revelation: Chapter 8 of 22"

ORDER the 5 disk, 22 hour box set today and help support the filmmakers! Every Monday, a new chapter will be ...

Nuclear Forehead