Tears For Fears - Killing With Kindness

Don't cry for me my baby
Don't say a word
Everyone knows you're a dangerous bird

Fly like a golden eagle
Sleek like the snow
Ticking your time bomb where ever you go

You're sinking a line without a trace
With elegant crimes against the state

Killing with kindness yeah
Making the most of the mess oh yeah
You're mother and childless yeah, yeah
Just kill them with kindness yeah, yeah

Bye cruel politician
Now you've been caught
Came from behind
It's a dangerous spot

Green are the seeds of envy
Watch how they grow
Everyone knows there's a fire down below

You're sinking a line without a trace
With elegant crimes against the state

Killing with kindness yeah
Making the most of the mess oh yeah
You're mother and childless yeah, yeah
Just kill them with kindness yeah, yeah

Killing with kindness
Raising the ghost from the flesh oh yeah
Don't blind them with science yeah, yeah
Just kill them with kindness yeah, yeah

Turn your back
And you might understand
Become your destiny
And you'll be a lucky man
Don't let anything stand in your way

Don't cry for me my baby
Don't say a word
Everyone knows you're a dangerous bird

Fly like a golden eagle
Sleek like the snow
Ticking your time bomb where ever you go

You're sinking a line without a trace
With elegant crimes against the state

Killing with kindness yeah
Making the most of the mess oh yeah
You're mother and childless yeah, yeah
Just kill them with kindness yeah, yeah

Bye cruel politician
Now you've been caught
Came from behind
It's a dangerous spot

Green are the seeds of envy
Watch how they grow
Everyone knows there's a fire down below

You're sinking a line without a trace
With elegant crimes against the state

Killing with kindness yeah
Making the most of the mess oh yeah
You're mother and childless yeah, yeah
Just kill them with kindness yeah, yeah

Killing with kindness
Raising the ghost from the flesh oh yeah
Don't blind them with science yeah, yeah
Just kill them with kindness yeah, yeah

Turn your back
And you might understand
Become your destiny
And you'll be a lucky man
Don't let anything stand in your way

Tears For Fears - Killing With Kindness

Canção do álbum Everybody Loves A Happy Ending, da banda britânica Tears For Fears.

Killing With Kindness (with lyrics) Tears For Fears

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"Killing with Kindness" Tears for Fears Cover

This is a cover of one of my favorite Tears for Fears albums, "Everybody Loves a Happy Ending". It was sort of unspoken as an album, and I didn't even know it ...

Tears For Fears - Everybody Loves a Happy Ending (Full Album)

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Tears For Fears