The Washington Winds - Where Eagles Soar

"Where Eagles Soar" - The Washington Winds

A recording of The Washington Winds.

Where Eagles Soar

Commissioned by the Acadia Hospital in Bangor, Maine to commemorate their 10th anniversary, Where Eagles Soar portrays the beauty, grandeur, and freedom ...


Steven Reineke The Washington Winds.

Where Eagles Soar

A tribute to my Squadron mates, Tranziant and stalion1. The three of us totally dominated this battle. stalion1 and I were in the Me-410s, and we simply blew ...

Where Eagles Soar - Steven Reineke

Penang Chung Ling High School Wind Orchestra Conducted by Maestro Dato Woon Wen Kin 3rd Malaysia International Music and Arts Festival November 30, ...

The Washington Winds