키즈캐슬 - One Elephant Went Out To Play

It's so boring
I want to have some fun
All right Let's go out
One elephant went out to play
Out on a spider's web one day
He had such enormous fun
He called for another
elephant to come
Two elephants went out to play
Out on a spider's web one day
They had such enormous fun
They called for another
elephant to come
Three elephants went out to play
Out on a spider's web one day
They had such enormous fun
They called for another
elephant to come
Interesting Amazing
Four elephants went out to play
Out on a spider's web one day
They had such enormous fun
They called for another
elephant to come
Five elephants went out to play
Out on a spider's web one day
They had such enormous fun
They called for another
elephant to come
It's so Amazing
Wow It was a fantastic day
It's so boring
I want to have some fun
All right Let's go out
One elephant went out to play
Out on a spider's web one day
He had such enormous fun
He called for another
elephant to come
Two elephants went out to play
Out on a spider's web one day
They had such enormous fun
They called for another
elephant to come
Three elephants went out to play
Out on a spider's web one day
They had such enormous fun
They called for another
elephant to come
Interesting Amazing
Four elephants went out to play
Out on a spider's web one day
They had such enormous fun
They called for another
elephant to come
Five elephants went out to play
Out on a spider's web one day
They had such enormous fun
They called for another
elephant to come
It's so Amazing
Wow It was a fantastic day
[KizCastle] One Elephant Went Out To Play, Nursery Rhyme, 키즈캐슬 영어동요 샤우팅잉글리시

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One Elephant Went Out to Play | 영어동요 | 마더구스 | 키즈캐슬

재미있는 노래와 이야기를 키즈캐슬 유튜브 채널에서 감상해 보세요. ◇ 구독하기 버튼을 누르시거나, 아래를 클릭해 주세요. (http://www.youtube.com/user...

영어동요 모음집 | 동요연속듣기 | 동요모음집 | 영어인기동요 연속재생 | 마더구스 | 키즈캐슬

재미있는 노래와 이야기를 키즈캐슬 유튜브 채널에서 감상해 보세요. ◇ 구독하기 버튼을 누르시거나, 아래를 클릭해 주세요. (http://www.youtube.com/user...

흥부와 놀부 1화 | 동화뮤지컬 | 키즈캐슬

재미있는 노래와 이야기를 키즈캐슬 유튜브 채널에서 감상해 보세요. ◇ 구독하기 버튼을 누르시거나, 아래를 클릭해 주세요. (http://www.youtube.com/user...
