Gertrude - Crack in the Mantle

Why you will fail to have a great career | Larry Smith | TEDxUW

Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Throughout his three-decade career here at the University of Waterloo, Larry Smith has inspired legions of students...

Hamlet - Act 1 (audiobook)

Scene 1: 0:06 Scene 2: 9:22 Scene 3: Scene 4: 34:21 Subtitles available. Audio courtesy of LibriVox. Thank you to all the readers and everyone involved! ➜ INSTAGRAM

Hamlet - Original Practice Shakespeare Festival

Fantastic performance of Hamlet by the Original Practice Shakespeare Festival in Portland 2017. - The interruptions are due to them passing time during loud city noises. - Quality substantially...

Primordial Flame | Rosaria, Lothric, and the Primordial Serpents | Dark Souls 3

The origin of the First Flame and the story behind Lothric Kingdom and Rosaria. If you wish to help support this effort, check out my Patreon page: Any...

Remarkable Rogues by Charles Kingston (The Careers of Some Notable Criminals of Europe and America)

Twenty non-fiction, true crime biographical sketches of people you would not want your son or daughter to marry. Preface - 00:00 Chapter 01. A Russianh Delilah - 4:30 Chapter 02. An Infamous...
