Rad Parameter - A Mange

Perimeter and area: the basics | Perimeter, area, and volume | Geometry | Khan Academy

Great geometry primer on perimeter and area. Listen carefully. Sal explains the concepts so you'll understand them. Practice this lesson yourself on ...

Command Line Arguments

This is CS50.

Проект перспективного российского авианосца "Шторм" 23000э. ВМФ России.

САМЫЕ КРУТЫЕ КОФТЫ/ФУТБОЛКИ/СВИТШОТЫ: http://artofwar.myprintbar.ru/ ВМФ РФ планируется усилить новым многоцелевым тяжё...

The quest to understand consciousness | Antonio Damasio

http://www.ted.com Every morning we wake up and regain consciousness -- that is a marvelous fact -- but what exactly is it that we regain? Neuroscientist ...

Alexander IRL

In this YouTube Red Original Movie, two brothers — a responsible high school student trying to impress a girl and a stunted, mid-twenties party type who needs ...

Rad Parameter