Electric Yellow - Julie

Electric Yellow "Julie" Live

tour dates, music and contact: http://electricyellowmusic.com/

Electric Yellow: Julie - 12/11/09 - Brass Lantern

Electric Yellow: Julie - 12/11/09 - Brass Lantern.

Cookie Name Tags - Julie & Mom | The Tastemakers-Julie Nolke

Julie and her mum show how to create festive sugar cookie name tags for all your holiday parties. Best part? They taste as good as they look! Subscribe to ...

Jack Dempsey, Julie, Yellow Lab, and Cichlids

A short video of our African Cichlids that we have. Our regular Jack Dempsey, Julie, Yellow Lab, Orange Blotch, and a couple of others eating.

cichlid fight

Thing 1 was one of my first cichlids I bought. After about a year, he turned into a 'bully-fish'. I tried 'time-outs' *lmfao, but they didnt work. I brought Thing 1 to the ...

Electric Yellow