옥주현 - Someone Like You

I peer through windows watch life go by
Dream of tomorrow and wonder Why
The past is holding me keeping life at bay
I wander lost in yesterday wanting to fly
But scared to try
But if someone like you found someone like me
Then suddenly nothing would ever be the same
My heart would take wing and I'd feel so alive
If someone like you found me
So many secrets I've longed to share
All I have needed is someone there
To help me see a world I've never seen before
A love to open every door
To set me free so I can soar
If someone like you found someone like me
Then suddenly nothing would ever be the same
There'd be a new way to live
A new life to love
If someone like you found me
If someone like you found someone like me
Then suddenly nothing would ever be the same
My heart would take wing
And I'd feel so alive
If someone like you
Loved me
Loved me
Loved me
I peer through windows watch life go by
Dream of tomorrow and wonder Why
The past is holding me keeping life at bay
I wander lost in yesterday wanting to fly
But scared to try
But if someone like you found someone like me
Then suddenly nothing would ever be the same
My heart would take wing and I'd feel so alive
If someone like you found me
So many secrets I've longed to share
All I have needed is someone there
To help me see a world I've never seen before
A love to open every door
To set me free so I can soar
If someone like you found someone like me
Then suddenly nothing would ever be the same
There'd be a new way to live
A new life to love
If someone like you found me
If someone like you found someone like me
Then suddenly nothing would ever be the same
My heart would take wing
And I'd feel so alive
If someone like you
Loved me
Loved me
Loved me
정선아 - Someone like you (20160423 쉘위러브콘서트)

승일희망재단 루게릭희망콘서트 쉘위러브 정선아 공연.

소냐 Someone Like You

소냐-Someone Like You 지킬 앤 하이드.

뮤지컬 '지킬 앤 하이드' 중 'Someone like you' - 리사 @ 힐링유

본 동영상의 광고는 CGNTV와 무관합니다. 토크콘서트 힐링유 : http://bit.ly/1kVjrqn CGNTV 공식 홈페이지 : http://www.cgntv.net.

박혜나 someone like you지킬앤하이드

7월 6회 고고고쇼에서 부른 박혜나 배우의 someone like you , 지킬앤 하이드 넘버.
