The Rankin Family - Ho Ro Mo Nighean Donn Bhoidheach (Ho Ro My Nut Brown Maiden)

Ho Ro Mo Nighean Donn Bhoidheach

This is a lovely song they sing in Gaelic, the group is called The Rankin Family. the title of the song in english is, Nut Brown Maiden.


a montage of deaths and kills by yours truly it's rather crappy as my internetz was not gud that day but this is to keep you tied over until I can upload some more ...

Fleur Mainville Ho Ro My Nut Brown Maiden

recording of new CD in Dave's grand studio with Cathy and Fleur what a wonderful trio. Fleur is simply an awesome signer, marked for grand hope and success ...

corronez singt HoRo my nutbrown maiden

corronez singt HoRo my nutbrown maiden.

The Rankin Family