Julia Fordham - Betrayed

I've betrayed you, not in body and soul
I've betrayed you, not in ways that would show
I've betrayed you

by word of mouth, by thoughts of doubt
forgive me, forgive me

I've misled you, though not intending to
I've misled you, in ways I shouldn't do
I've misled you

by word of mouth, by thoughts of doubt
forgive me, forgive me

a troubled world rolls by my window
where oh where to begin
unravelling the secrets of both sides of the skin

by word of mouth, by thoughts of doubt
by word of mouth, by thoughts of doubt
forgive me, forgive me, forgive, forgive me
I've betrayed you, not in body and soul
I've betrayed you, not in ways that would show
I've betrayed you

by word of mouth, by thoughts of doubt
forgive me, forgive me

I've misled you, though not intending to
I've misled you, in ways I shouldn't do
I've misled you

by word of mouth, by thoughts of doubt
forgive me, forgive me

a troubled world rolls by my window
where oh where to begin
unravelling the secrets of both sides of the skin

by word of mouth, by thoughts of doubt
by word of mouth, by thoughts of doubt
forgive me, forgive me, forgive, forgive me
Rudd/Gillard Betrayed A Nation

A Government this dishonest doesn't deserve your vote. When Tony Abbott said during the 2010 election camaign, "As night follows day, there will be a carbon ...

Julie - Honest Betrayal

Julie, the upcoming singer on her first huge festival with immense response from the audience. Luxembourg has a new star! Help to support her!

Betrayal in a Valentino Frock

Red lipped haute couture, bursting at the seams. A woman is cocooned in the veils she keeps. Or is she? Does she watch from within or tangle & betray herself?

Gillard defeats Rudd, vows end to drama

Julia Gillard has decisively defeated Kevin Rudd in a leadership ballot by 71 votes to 31 and declared the political drama over, just before Senator Mark Arbib ...

The Australian public won't forget

On polling day, let Labor know you haven't forgotten the betrayal of trust.

Julia Fordham