The Mint Chicks - Welcome To Nowhere

We're not different
We're non-descript
We're blending in

I would like to spend some time in isolation with you

We're not different
We're non-descript
We're blending in

I would like to spend some time in isolation with you

I come from nowhere
Welcome to nowhere

Don't get me wrong
I'm happy to dance the night away

We're not different
We're non-descript
We're blending in

I would like to spend some time in isolation with you

We're not different
We're non-descript
We're blending in

I would like to spend some time in isolation with you

I come from nowhere
Welcome to nowhere

Don't get me wrong
I'm happy to dance the night away

Welcome to Nowhere music video

watch in higher quality here: Submission for the 2008 Alamo Drafthouse 48 hour BPM festival. Song is "Welcome to Nowhere" by ...

Mint Chicks - Welcome To Nowhere

If you're on this page, you probably know what happened so you don't need a description really. I'll put the most audible stuff up here over the next couple of ...

The Mint Chicks - Welcome To Nowhere

'The Mint Chicks - Crazy? Yes! Dumb? No!' The internet is a better place for having this video available. This is track 3/14.

BPM: Welcome to Nowhere by Mint Chicks

Beats per Minute Filmmaking Frenzy Competition Submission from Team Swampbilly.

The Mint Chicks