Chris Hays - Andrew Theme and Variations

State(s) of Housing Colloquium

Collective housing is inseparable from a vision of urbanity, offering not only a lens through which to examine the city but also a mirror to our values as a society.

Bach Artist Select - Michael Baker

Michael Baker talks about Bach Trumpets.

"Cambridge Talks X | Bound and Unbound: The Sites of Utopia" Panel Two

4/15/16 In the five hundred years since the publication of Thomas More's Of A Republic's Best State and of the New Island of Utopia (1516), the project of ...

King of the Road - Belprez Quartet

This is Terence, Jonah, Adam, Isaac and Dad singing a barbershop quartet piece titled "King of the Road". Enjoy!

Hannahs recital version of "All I Ask of You"

Music Bloom studio recital, her teachers Zoranda and Richard Flores look on. "All I Ask of You" from Phantom of the Opera. Hannah is 11 years old.

Chris Hays