Sound Poem - 사과같은네얼굴


Think being a ghost is tough? Try living with one. “GHOSTMATES” A Smosh Film Things are looking up for socially-awkward and unemployed CHARLIE ...

Harry Baker: A love poem for lonely prime numbers

Performance poet (and math student) Harry Baker spins a love poem about his favorite kind of numbers — the lonely, love-lorn prime. Stay on for two more lively, ...

不能说的秘密 BD1280


Stanley McChrystal: Listen, learn ... then lead Four-star general Stanley McChrystal shares what he learned about leadership over his decades in the military. How can you build a sense ...

3000+ Common English Words with Pronunciation

3134 most frequent english words with sound (american pronunciation), randomly presented. Knowing this vocabulary will permit you to understand at least ...

Sound Poem