Johnny Mathis - Gina

Johnny Mathis - Gina

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Gina ~ Johnny Mathis ~ 1962

On September 22, 1962, Johnny Mathis would release his 27th single, and his fourth hit to reach the top 10, topping out at #6, it would be the beautiful romantic ballad, "Gina". Gina Lollobrigida...

Gina - Johnny Mathis - 1962- Tribute To Gina Lollobrigida

On September 22, 1962, Johnny Mathis would release his 27th single, and his fourth hit to reach the top 10, topping out at #6, it would be the beautiful romantic ballad, "Gina". With his great...

Johnny Mathis " Gina " (1962)

Johnny Mathis sings "Gina"

Johnny Mathis Christmas Show at The Ferguson Center For The Performing Arts, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, Virginia. November 30, 2009.

Johnny Mathis