B.B. King - Happy Birthday Blues

Baby lights her cigarette
And takes a look around
She says that morning sun
Sure does get her down
Nothing else to see
Just to help her lose
Those happy birthday blues

Grandpa takes a drink of wine
And tells it like it was
Tells me all he wants to do
Is what everybody does
Say he'd give the world
For a little girl
Just to help him lose
Those happy birthday blues

Happy birthday blues
Happy birthday blues
Got to pay your dues
Those happy birthday blues

In and out and on and on
Everybody goes
And where the fun with finally stops
Everybody knows
Girls it's me and you
Doing what we do
Just one way to lose
Those happy birthday blues

Baby lights her cigarette
And takes a look around
She says that morning sun
Sure does get her down
Nothing else to see
Just to help her lose
Those happy birthday blues

Grandpa takes a drink of wine
And tells it like it was
Tells me all he wants to do
Is what everybody does
Say he'd give the world
For a little girl
Just to help him lose
Those happy birthday blues

Happy birthday blues
Happy birthday blues
Got to pay your dues
Those happy birthday blues

In and out and on and on
Everybody goes
And where the fun with finally stops
Everybody knows
Girls it's me and you
Doing what we do
Just one way to lose
Those happy birthday blues

B. B. King - Happy Birthday Blues

Track from the 1979 album Take It Home and also the B.Side of the single of the same name.

BB King - Happy Birthday Blues

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B.B. King - Happy Birthday Blues !! (Online Happy Birthday Card from B-L-U-E-S.com)

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B.B. King - Happy Birthday Blues

Celebrating my birthday with some B.B. King!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BB King 85th birthday blues

Happy Birthday BB King! Thank you for the blues you give us, we love every lick of it! This was a special moment, it is rare to see a legend of music receive a ...

B.B. King