Mario Lanza - O Christmas Tree

Mario Lanza - O Christmas Tree

For Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comes like a thief in the night to the unprepared. How many can say that they are walking on the Straight and Narrow truly ...

Mario Lanza - O Christmas Tree

Mario Lanza's beautiful voice combined with master paintings make a lovely version of this favorite Christmas carol. The carol, O Christmas Tree, is of German ...

My Choice_Christmas - Mario Lanza: O CHRISTmas Tree

O CHRISTmas Tree - sung by Mario Lanza. The Tree is used to enhance the celebration of the birth of Christ. It's not a holiday tree or holiday bush but a ...

mario lanza "o christmas tree"

my first video, enjoy, it was fun making it!! feel free to leave a comment... remember to be nice!! have a great day!!

Mario Lanza