Petra - Second Wind

Petra - Second Wind

Check my blog to find more Petra songs and learn about the next step of this huge proyect. Visita mi blog para encontrar más canciones de Petra y...

Petra - Second Wind #6 ( Back to The Rock )

Os Dinossauros do Rock Cristão Voltaram, e Com o Melhor CD Não só da Carreira, Mas um Dos Melhores CDs de Rock' n Roll Que ja Ouvi ! Faixa 6° do Novo CD da Banda Petra ( Back to The Rock )

Classic Petra live at TBN - Second Wind

The videos published here are for pure enjoyment, these videos are very inferior quality to the quality of the original DVD, please let us bless and buy the original DVD. This video is only...

Petra-Second Wind (with John)

Petra live, from Greg X Volz-era. Some lagging in the pictures, but nothing to do with it:(
