핑크퐁 - Pat-a-Cake

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,
baker's man!
Bake me a cake
just as fast as you can.
Roll it and pad it
and mark it with “B”.
Put it in the oven
for baby and me.
For baby and me.
For baby and me.
Put it in the oven
for baby and me.
For baby and me.
For baby and me.
Put it in the oven
for baby and me.
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,
baker's man!
Bake me a cake
just as fast as you can.
Roll it and pad it
and mark it with “B”.
Put it in the oven
for baby and me.
For baby and me.
For baby and me.
Put it in the oven
for baby and me.
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,
baker's man!
Bake me a cake
just as fast as you can.
Roll it and pad it
and mark it with “B”.
Put it in the oven
for baby and me.
For baby and me.
For baby and me.
Put it in the oven
for baby and me.
For baby and me.
For baby and me.
Put it in the oven
for baby and me.
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,
baker's man!
Bake me a cake
just as fast as you can.
Roll it and pad it
and mark it with “B”.
Put it in the oven
for baby and me.
For baby and me.
For baby and me.
Put it in the oven
for baby and me.
Pat a Cake | 케이크를 구워요 | 마더구스 | 핑크퐁! 인기동요

글로벌 인기 유아교육 브랜드 핑크퐁! ☆ 핑크퐁! 동요・동화 [무료 앱 다운로드]: http://i.sstudy.kr/L/588/des/ 신나는 핑크퐁 마더구스 'Pat a Cake'와...

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